
SPHM Training

We offer a variety of trainings to empower team members to be effective implementers of SPHM Practice. Our offering include:

  • Equipment-specific training: This type of training is designed to help healthcare staff learn how to use specialized equipment such as patient lifts, transfer aids, and slings safely.
  • Mobility assessment and training: This type of training helps healthcare staff assess patients’ mobility and functional abilities and develop personalized plans to improve their mobility.
  • Fall prevention training: This type of training focuses on identifying fall risks and implementing strategies to prevent falls in healthcare settings and also offer training on post fall recovery strategies that incorporate SPHM solutions.
  • Injury prevention and management training: This type of training focuses on preventing and managing injuries related to patient handling, including back injuries, sprains, and strains.
  • Train-the-trainer programs (Champion Training Program): These programs are designed to train healthcare staff to become trainers themselves, helping to sustain a culture of safety within their organization.

To sign for our champion training bundle please click below link (Jamila to provide the link- not ready yet).

We also offer job title specific education and training and specialized training for high risk mobility activities. Our list of offerings include:

Nursing Track

Nursing Track of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility (SPHM) Training


Are you a nursing team member (RN, LPN, nursing assistant, patient transport team member) looking to improve patient care and reduce the risk of injury to both patients and staff during patient handling and mobility? If so, our Nursing Track of SPHM training is the perfect opportunity for you!

This training will provide nursing staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement safe patient handling and mobility practices in their workplace. Our expert trainers will cover topics such as patient assessment, use of assistive devices, safe patient handling techniques, and risk assessment.

Participants will also learn about the latest research and evidence-based practices in SPHM, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements for safe patient handling and mobility.

Whether you are a new nurse looking to learn the basics of SPHM or an experienced nurse seeking to refresh your knowledge and skills, this training is designed to meet your needs.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Assess patients for safe handling and mobility
  • Choose and use appropriate assistive devices
  • Apply safe patient handling techniques
  • Conduct risk assessments for patient handling and mobility
  • Understand the legal and regulatory requirements for SPHM

Join us for this informative and interactive training and take the first step towards implementing safe patient handling and mobility practices in your workplace.

Rehabilitation Track

Rehabilitation Team Track of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility (SPHM) Training


Are you a rehabilitation team member looking to improve patient outcomes and reduce the risk of injury to both patients and staff during patient handling and mobility? If so, our Rehabilitation Team Track of SPHM training is the perfect opportunity for you!

This training module will provide rehabilitation team members with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement safe patient handling and mobility practices in their workplace. Our expert trainers will cover topics such as patient assessment, use of assistive devices, safe patient handling techniques, and therapeutic use of SPHM practices and tools, with a focus on the unique needs of patients in rehabilitation.

Participants will also learn about the latest research and evidence-based practices in SPHM, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements for safe patient handling and mobility.

Whether you are a physical therapist, occupational therapist, or other rehabilitation team member, this training is designed to meet your needs.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Assess rehabilitation patients for safe handling and mobility
  • Choose and use appropriate assistive devices for patients in rehabilitation
  • Apply safe patient handling techniques for patients in rehabilitation
  • Utilize SPHM tools and technology for patient handling and mobility in rehabilitation settings
  • Understand the legal and regulatory requirements for SPHM in rehabilitation settings

Join us for this informative and interactive training and take the first step towards implementing safe patient handling and mobility practices in your rehabilitation practice.

Emergency Medicine Services Track

EMS Team Track of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility (SPHM) Training


As an EMS professional, you know that every second counts when it comes to patient care. But providing safe and efficient patient handling and mobility can also be a significant challenge, especially when you’re working in a dynamic and unpredictable environment.

That’s why our EMS Team Track of SPHM training is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure safe patient handling and mobility during transport and on scene.

This training module will cover topics such as patient assessment, use of assistive devices, and safe patient handling techniques with a focus on the unique challenges faced by EMS professionals.

Participants will also learn about the latest research and evidence-based practices in SPHM, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements for safe patient handling and mobility in the EMS setting.

Whether you’re a paramedic, EMT, or other EMS team member, this training module is designed to meet your needs.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Assess patients for safe handling and mobility during transport and on scene
  • Choose and use appropriate assistive devices in the EMS setting
  • Apply safe patient handling techniques in the EMS setting
  • Utilize SPHM tools and technology for patient handling and mobility in EMS settings
  • Understand the legal and regulatory requirements for SPHM in the EMS setting

Join us for this informative and interactive training module and take the first step towards implementing safe patient handling and mobility practices in your EMS practice. With this training, you’ll be better equipped to provide the highest quality of care for your patients, while also protecting yourself and your team from injury.



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